Procurecon Marketing 2015 (past event)
02 - 04 June, 2015
Contact Us: 44(0)207 368 9465
Simon Soothill
Former Head of Marketing and Travel Sourcing
Lloyds Banking Group
Check out the incredible speaker line-up to see who will be joining Simon.
Download The Latest AgendaDay 3: Taking your marketing procurement to the next level
Monday, April 6th, 2015
11:20 Creative Boardroom - How can you best deal with new marketing industry disruptors
What are the biggest disruptors in the marketing industry? Profound changes in the business landscape forcing marketing organisations to undergo significant transformation as oppose to incremental change
How are marketers reacting to this- prioritising their investments and building this into their strategy?
Are they making a measurable impact?
How can procurement step up and respond to the marketing industry disruptions?
What resources do procurement need to enable this?
Maximum 15 attendees
12:25 Case Study Revolution: How to drive a truly global, centralised agenda - but not at the expense of the regional and local quality of delivery?
-Organisational construct and location strategy (alignment?)
-Supplier network strategy/models
-Stakeholder goals alignment
-What skill sets are needed? Where? And when?
-Driving a consistent ways of working?
-Measuring success and value contributed
-Building and refreshing Market Intelligence
-Risk mitigation and supplier assurance
-How to drive Change/ Transformation
-How to understand and reflect global, regional and local differences and similarities
-Collaboration - among sourcing, stakeholders and suppliers
-Production workflow
-Data and analytics
•Specific examples of success stories?
•Any examples we could learn from?